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My 5KforJK Fundraising Page

Sue Donlon

Sue Donlon

Sooooo, 2024 added yet another loop-de-loop to the roller coaster of my diagnosis. Anyone truly surprised? No, I didn’t think so! 😉
Through what certainly felt like a God-wink process, I landed at Cleveland Clinic’s Neurological Movement Disorder department in February. After evaluation, some testing and much thought, the Cleveland doctor respectfully disagreed with his friend, my Columbus neurologist, and explained his thoughts on my case. His diagnosis is Parkinson’s disease. Fortunately, I have progressed slowly over the years and, likely, will continue to do so. Possibly, I missed a diagnosis of Early Onset Parkinson’s around 2004 when I first sought answers about increasingly problematic tremors. While I don’t present in the most traditional ways, this doctor assured me that other patients do share my less obvious symptoms. I’ve waited decades for that medical validation!! He and his kind staff are the best team for me right now, and I changed my neurological care to the Cleveland Clinic.
What hasn’t changed is my connection to my pDNextSteps community! Thanks to all of you caring and generous supporters of life-changing projects like The 5KforJK, I and my many fellow neurological disorder peeps have access to services that truly make a difference! 

Locally, pDNextSteps supplies many varied exercise classes that challenge us physically and cognitively. Try counting backwards by 7 while doing sumo squats with punches. (Come join us and see for yourself that “We Can Do Hard Things!”). This fantastic gym is full of determined warriors who make me laugh, share my tears, and forever supply the wind beneath my wings. Speaking of the wind beneath my wings, Kevin attends the caregivers’ support group held monthly. I need too much space to list all the myriad services we receive, but know that they exist and that your donations support them. 

On a  larger stage, The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s dedication to keeping the public and legislators aware of our needs is key to exciting new research discoveries and developments. They won’t stop until a cure is found. They, too, provide more types of help and support than you’d ever imagine! 

Your contributions to The 5KforJK  fund locally, nationally, and globally! My social worker heart thanks you for efforts that cover the earth from micro to macro populations! My whole heart thanks you for supporting me, my Parkinson’s community, your loved ones’ Parkinson’s communities, and our cherished caregivers who benefit from these programs, too!

The 5KforJK 4th annual walk/run will be held again at Liberty Middle School in Powell, OH  on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Please consider donating to my fundraising page and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance the 5KforJK's great cause! 

Together, we can make a difference!
Thank you,


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